Welcome to Virginia Wine Diaries!


This map is how it all began, though I didn’t know back when I put it together that it would later inspire this blog! I was just starting to really enjoy wine tasting and I thought – how AWESOME would it be to take that Virginia Wineries map and start keeping track of my winery visits? I found the perfect sized corkboard and affixed the map to it. Then I went to Amazon [one of my fave online shopping websites] and found black pins that were just right for this project. The above photo is the map on the day I made it…like I said, I was just starting to do the whole wine thing! 😉

I am a huge fan of “Bucket Lists” and thought this would be the perfect addition to mine. I decided I wanted to visit EVERY winery in Virginia – and I would have this map to document it. There are currently 250+ wineries to tackle in Virginia according Virginia Wine…so I have some work to do. I’ve since updated the map to a 2014 map and now it looks like this:


I’m looking forward to visiting more wineries and sharing those visits with YOU! My first posts will be all about the wineries I’ve already visited, highlighting my favorites. From there, I hope to write often about new winery adventures, Virginia wine news, etc. I’ll also throw in some random posts from time to time about me and what’s going on in my world. Until next time!

~Dawn R.

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